Goodbyes and Good Signs


The last few days, in short, have been HECTIC but in the absolute best way possible!

Unpacking from a relaxing family vacation, repacking for this trip, saying goodbye to family and friends, indulging in my favorite treats from local restaurants, and of course celebrating America’s birthday have left me with little time for reflection.

With bags packed, good-byes said, and stuffed to the brim with all of my favorite foods, I am now en route to my destination. Over the next 24 hours I will travel over 11 hours by plane and nine by car and bus, leaving me with PLENTY of time to gather my thoughts (and brush up on my Spanish)!

Over the past few weeks I have been looking for signs, something to ease my apprehensions of traveling alone to a different country (especially one that does not speak English)! Despite my constant self-reassurance that this is where I am meant be, that I am being sent to Chimbote for a reason, there have been times where I have been anxious about my journey.

My sign came to me last Saturday in the weekend’s Gospel reading. Wedged between my parents at mass, I listened as the Deacon proclaimed the following verse from Mark’s Gospel, “Do not be afraid; just have faith.

Faith. All I need, all I have is faith.

With faith in my heart I am excited to see where this journey will lead. Also, a special thank you to YOU for following me on this adventure, your faith, love and support mean more to me than you will ever know!

Until next time,


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